Theme 1, 28 Nov: AI in Marketing

Elevating marketing experiences with intelligent AI solutions

As we journey towards 2024, organisations that wholeheartedly embrace AI in their marketing functions are projected to experience a seismic shift. An impressive 75% of their staff’s operations will transition from mundane production tasks to strategic and value-adding activities.

By integrating AI into marketing operations, friction is eradicated, redundancy is minimised, and a world of exciting opportunities awaits. Marketers can reallocate budgets and resources towards initiatives that drive a more dynamic and agile marketing organisation.

Mark your calendar for Theme 1: AI in Marketing sessions on 28 November.

Prepare to embark on a journey filled with invaluable insights and practical knowledge that will empower you to harness the full potential of AI and revolutionise the marketing industry. Our esteemed speakers, experts in their fields, will share their wealth of knowledge and real-world examples, equipping you with the tools and expertise needed to unlock the true power of AI in your marketing endeavours.


28 November

0830 – 0900


0900 – 0930

[Opening fireside]

Converging paths: Next generation tech meets digital marketing ethics
  • Examine the challenges and opportunities of Web3 and AI in marketing, and its impact on consumer privacy. 
  • Unpack how blockchain technology can be leveraged to enhance digital ownership and privacy in next-gen marketing. 
  • Discuss the application of zero-knowledge cryptography to ensure that marketing insights are gained ethically and responsibly. 


Rezwana Manjur

Rezwana Manjur



Gary Liu

Gary Liu

Co-founder & CEO

Terminal 3

0930 – 1000

[Case study]

AI chronicles: Crafting compelling data stories with AI
  • Grasp the significance of AI-based storytelling and its rising prominence in the consumption of analytics.
  • Master the use of AI tools and strategies, such as channel and device analytics, personalisation, predictive models, and visualisations, to create compelling data stories.
  • Discover the skills to effectively engage and inform your audience through the art of crafting AI-driven data stories that captivate and inspire action.
Anish Chadda

Anish Chadda

Global VP, Product


1000 – 1030

Morning networking break

1030 – 1100
[Panel discussion]
Maximising marketing efficiency: Streamline workflows and superior campaign management with marketing automation
  • Learn how AI-powered tools can eliminate repetitive tasks, lower errors, and supercharge your marketing efforts.
  • Uncover how AI-powered automation can streamline workflows, optimise resource allocation, and enable strategic decision-making.
  • Unravel how marketing automation with AI can provide valuable insights, identify trends, optimise targeting, and make data-driven decisions to maximise campaign effectiveness.


Gautam Narang

Gautam Narang

Head - CX & Digital


Elveena Cornelio

Elveena Cornelio

APAC Digital & Media Lead, CBG


Adil Sanwari

Adil Sanwari

Regional Head – Digital and E-com


Louie Lui

Louie Lui

Head of Digital and Marketing

PHS Hairscience
1100 – 1130
[Case study]
Conversational AI unleashed: Transforming customer interactions with chatbots and voice assistants
  • Gain profound insights into the pivotal role of conversational AI in reshaping customer interactions and its profound impact on digital marketing strategies.
  • Discover the expertise to actively design and deploy chatbots and voice assistants that provide exceptional customer service and enhance the overall customer experience.
  • Embark on an exploration of industry-leading practices for leveraging conversational AI to boost customer engagement and satisfaction through highly personalised and dynamically responsive interactions.
Kelferd Hor

Kelferd Hor

VP, Squad Lead of Investors Digital Experience

RHB Banking Group

1130 – 1200
[Case study]
Artificial Intelligence for meaningful customer engagement
  • Learn how to leverage AI for meaningful customer engagement.
  • Understand where you can focus your AI efforts. 
  • Case studies on how companies have successfully leveraged AI for customer engagement. 
Ranya Arora

Ranya Arora

Senior Strategic Business Consultant


1200 – 1230
[Case study]
AI-driven insights: Harness the full potential of AI to make better, data-driven decisions
  • Explore how AI has transformed the world of marketing data and analytics; providing faster and more efficient ways to collect data, improve the quality, and predict trends more accurately. 
  • Learn how to manage the emerging complexity, deliver more with less and identify new revenue streams earlier, at ever greater speed.
  • Find out how an AI-led approach combined with our deep knowledge of consumers and brands, delivers actionable insights for your business.
Andrew Ridsdale Smith

Andrew Ridsdale Smith

Head of Analytics, Southeast Asia


Kartikeya Varma

Kartikeya Varma

Head of Media APAC


1230 –1330

Networking lunch

1330 – 1400
[Case study]
Enhancing brand purpose: Leveraging AI for seamless personalisation storytelling and targeted engagement
  • Explore the revolutionary ways in which AI can enhance storytelling, making it more dynamic and personalised to resonate with various target audiences. 
  • Delve into how AI can offer bespoke content experiences, catering specifically to individual preferences and needs, and thereby fostering greater customer loyalty and engagement. 
  • Uncover the potential of AI in guiding customers through the sales funnel, from raising awareness to driving conversions, and understand how to effectively implement these strategies.
Nikhil Rao

Nikhil Rao

VP Marketing

Mondelēz International

1400 – 1430
[Case study]
Supercharging ad performance: Unlocking AI’s impact on digital advertising
  • Discover the implications to the advertising landscape as new AI-powered technologies emerge and older technology like third-party cookies phase out.
  • Learn the strategies you can employ to effectively integrate these AI-powered technologies into our creative processes and campaigns, while adhering to the enduring principles of marketing.
  • Get a fast-paced look into how you can make the most of advertising’s evolution to optimise your campaigns, supercharge your business, and deliver sustainable business impact.
1430 – 1500

[Fireside chat]

Pioneering the AI frontier: Reshaping the future of sales and marketing
  • Explore the transformative role of AI in understanding and predicting customer behaviours, enhancing the personalisation and effectiveness of marketing and sales campaigns.  
  • Delve into the impact of AI-driven data analytics in streamlining business operations, enabling more informed decision-making and crafting cutting-edge go-to-market strategies.  
  • Gain insights into leveraging AI technologies to stay ahead of the competition, including practical applications and success stories in the sales and marketing landscape.
James Gilbert

James Gilbert

Senior Director of Partnership Marketing

Alyce Erikson

Alyce Erikson

Head of Product Marketing, APAC


1500 – 1530
[Case study]
Precision redefined: Harnessing the power of AI for next-level marketing segmentation
  • Examine how AI can enhance target market segmentation by leveraging advanced technologies, systems, and algorithms.
  • Learn techniques to actively identify relevant attributes, preferences, and behaviours using AI, enabling precise and effective segmentation.
  • Discover powerful strategies to optimise marketing efforts by incorporating accurate and dynamic data obtained through AI-driven segmentation – for reduced cost of customer acquisition and improved marketing precision.
Shailesh Hegde

Shailesh Hegde

VP, Product


1530 – 1600

Afternoon cocktail break

1600 – 1630

[Case study]

From Data to Gen AI: An organisation approach to harnessing value
  • Recognise the paramount significance of the AI era and its profound impact on decision-making, analytics and performance evaluation. 
  • Delve into the dynamic applications of AI in analysing datasets, extracting actionable insights, and predicting customer behaviour to enhance marketing strategies. 
  • Learn practical strategies for implementing AI in your organisation to harness value.
 Suhas Awasthi

Suhas Awasthi

Senior Assistant Director, Data Analytics

Sentosa Development Corporation

1630 – 1700
[Closing panel discussion]
Fuelling the future: Building an AI-powered marketing dream team
  • Uncover the essential strategies and skills required to construct an exceptional marketing team primed to embrace the future of AI.
  • Discover how to attract top talent and upskill your existing members to create a culture of data-driven decision-making and innovation.
  • Learn how to leverage AI to propel your team towards marketing excellence and stay ahead in the dynamic marketing landscape.
Candina Weston

Candina Weston

Independent Consultant

Gaurav Lalwani

Gaurav Lalwani

Sr. Director, Global Content and Marketing Operations


Kenneth Phua

Kenneth Phua

Global Digital Director, Owned Experiences

The Coca-Cola Company

Neha Khullar

Neha Khullar

Digital Lead, APAC

The Hershey Company


End of conference

Who should sponsor?

If your organisation provides services or solutions in the following area, you will be perfect for this theme:

  • AI technology providers
  • Marketing automation software providers
  • Customer data management providers
  • Digital experience and personalisation platforms
  • Marketing analytics and insights providers
  • AI-driven advertising solution providers
  • Mobile commerce (mCommerce) solution providers
  • Social media monitoring and sentiment analysis providers
  • Customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX) solution providers
  • Chatbot and virtual assistant providers
  • And many more!

Get in touch with us at to find out more.