
18 November 2020, Wednesday



Welcome remarks



Starting from scratch: what if I don’t have a brand?

If nailing a logo or design concept is all you have in mind, sorry but this would be your first mistake. Here’s a walkthrough from somebody who built a brand from scratch.

  • Getting beyond your logo and really start branding
  • Other mistakes starters do that you can avoid right now
  • Step-by-step guide to branding like you’re a unicorn startup
  • Tips and strategies to build your brand at bootstrapped budgets

Sheetal GaneriwalModerator:
Sheetal Ganeriwal, Lead Consultant, Marcoms Lead,
Moonshot Marketing, TEDxTinHau Countdown

Cindy ChanSpeaker:
Cindy Chan, Market Director, KIND, North Asia

Caesars Ent Corp_Rias AttarSpeaker:
Stephen Chung,
Head of Creative

Arnold ChanSpeaker:
Arnold Chan,
Founder & Executive Chairman
Teach for Hong Kong 

Claire YatesSpeaker:
Claire Yates,
The Lion Rock Press



Getting to business: It all begins with brand audit

There’s really no point in branding if you do not have an understanding where your brand stands and how it is currently positioned in the market.

  • Figure out if you truly have a ‘brand’
  • What a brand audit can and cannot do for you
  • The metrics and measures all brand audits should conduct
  • The dangers of leaving your brand unaudited

Wendy YungModerator:
Wendy Yung,
Head of Content
Marketing Magazine

Eva NgSpeaker:
Eva Ng,
Global Director, Branding Strategy
Schneider Electric

Ben MyhreSpeaker:
Ben Myhre,
Global Creative Director

Subhobroto ChakrobortySpeaker:
Subhobroto Chakroborty,
Founder & Chief Digital Consultant

Shilpi DokaniaClient Speaker:
Shilpi Dokania Shah,
Durian Industries



Influencer marketing: mistakes great brands don’t make

Today, the meaning of “influencer” goes much deeper than celebrity or athlete and the impact is very different for brands. Influencers can create a huge boon and boost for your brand, only if you know your stuff.

  • Thou shalt not overlook micro-influencers
  • The keys to effective influencer engagement
  • The things influencers hate when working with brands (and why that matters).
  • Influencers partnership that live beyond social media

Vin NgSpeaker:
Vin Ng,
Business Development Director



Brand favoritism: the advantage for evolving brands

You won’t be reading this if you’re in Coca-Cola’s branding department, but chances are, your brand does not have the reach or the reputation of top brands out there, or even in your niche market. Here’s the good news for evolving brands! You can still win this, thanks to the internet and the changes in consumer behavior.

  • Win and dominate the market by understanding brand psychology
  • Secrets to sticky customers that keep your brand as their favorite
  • From nobody to somebody – the power of brand congruence

Bernie WongModerator:
Bernie Wong,
Live Radio Program Host (IT/Digital)

Alice LeungSpeaker:
Alice Leung,
Branding Lead
Accenture Interactive

Charles HungSpeaker:
Charles Hung,
CEO & Executive Director

Rohini BehlSpeaker:
Rohini Behl,
Marketing Director

Sarah MathewsSpeaker:
Sarah Mathews,
Group Head of Destination Marketing APAC

19 November 2020, Thursday



Welcome remarks



Fixing brand hate:  mending negative consumer engagement

It could be a PR crisis or a dissatisfied customer making waves about your brand, whatever it is, you want it to stop now! This could happen to the best of brands and knowing exactly what to do about it is the hero story that will be forever remembered.

  • Brand crisis control and the first actions you and your branding team should take
  • Steps to making this a turnaround opportunity
  • Dealing with ongoing negativity with the right social listening strategies
  • Preventing sh*t like this from happening again!

Ervin HaModerator:
Ervin Ha,
Head of Plan&Track
YouGov Asia Pacific

String NguyenSpeaker:
String Nguyen,
Brand Ambassador, APAC

Douglas YoungSpeaker:
Douglas Young,
CEO & Co-founder
G.O.D. (Goods of Desire)



Hooked to your brand: data-backed content indicators driving consumer decisions

Consumers expects brands today to have a story, and brand marketers are delving into the wonders of visual story-telling; but there is only that much content your team can create and regularly come up with. Tap into a never-ending stream of good content that only requires effortless curation from your team and KNOW the kind of visuals that work with our Visual GPS. Your content team and your brand will thank you for it.

  • Get to know the 4 forces driving consumer decisions and know how to use them
  • See what our independent research reveals in terms of visual trends specific to this region
  • Learn the smart way to select visual content that you know will connect with your audience

Kate RourkeSpeaker:
Kate Rourke,
Head of Creative Insights, Asia Pacific 
Getty Images



Brand authenticity: rising above it in a distrusting world

Finding your brand voice and rising above the noise is one thing, getting people to trust your brand is another. Consumers are now smarter and more distrusting than ever; authenticity is a prerequisite to everything your brand strategy should be.

  • Develop your trustworthy brand persona from the start
  • Tricks and channels you can use to ramp up credibility
  • Stupid ideas (that amateur brands think would work) that actually damage trust

Herbert ChowSpeaker:
Herbert Chow,



Brand domination: the post-Covid19 branding playbook

The world is still surviving Covid19, and so is your brand. Borrow the playbook from everyone else and you’re setting yourself up for failure already in 2021. Craft your exclusive brand playbook now; this is a session you should be taking notes on.

  • Branding strategies to ditch and forget for 2021
  • Leveraging ‘the new normal’ for your brand
  • Important action steps not covered in previous sessions

David KetchumModerator:
David Ketchum,
CEO & Founder
Current Asia

Siew Ting FooSpeaker:
Siew Ting Foo,
Vice President & Global Head of Marketing

Tim HungSpeaker:
Timoteo Hung,
Brand Director & Head of Media, Hong Kong and Taiwan
Proctor & Gamble

Tarun BhagatSpeaker:
Tarun Bhagat,
Director of Marketing, Hydration and Cola

Atifa AsgharSpeaker:
Atifa Asghar,
Former Head of Global Customer Engagement

*The agenda is subject to change