22 August 2024




Welcome remarks

Rezwana Manjur

Rezwana Manjur




[Case study]

The evolving nature of PR in Malaysia


[Case study]
Metrics that matter: What does new age impact look like?
  • Deciding on the right strategy and platform for your brand – whether it’s essential to be on every platform.
  • Reaching and retaining your core audience whilst expanding your reach and audience base.
  • Benchmarking your performance against your competitors through social sentiments and social listening.


[Panel discussion]
Rehabbing your brand: Managing boycotts, backfires, and brand reputation in an online world
  • Harnessing the power of public opinion: Mastering the art of addressing boycotts and overcoming negative social sentiments.
  • Weathering the storm: Responding to blowback in today’s heated online environment.
  • Safeguarding your brand: Creating a resilient risk-management strategy in the ‘cancel culture’ era.
Tengku Liyana

Tengku Liyana

Head, Media and Communications

Group Procurement PETRONAS


Coffee break

[Case study]
Unveiling the future: Overcoming gen AI resistance and embracing tech authenticity in PR
  • Addressing the reluctance to embrace gen AI and what’s preventing PR practitioners from making full use of this technology.
  • How to identify and address highly shareable deepfakes and advanced strategies to counter manipulated content.
  • Why authenticity is critical when new tech in the modern business world.
[Panel discussion]
Distorted reality: Overcoming the slippery slope of misinformation
  • Mitigating fake social media accounts and counterfeit products to sham reviews, propaganda, clickbait and even deep fakes.
  • How to spot potential threats using social media monitoring and media listening tools.
  • Policies, processes and best practices for ensuring all your marketing and PR content is clear, accurate and credible.


[Case study]
Media relations: Coverage in a new media world
  • How to build connections with influential new media journalists—including best ways to friend, follow and connect.
  • Discover best practices to be a valuable resource to journalists.
  • How to gain traction and coverage in today’s polarised media landscape.



Interactive activity: On the record

[Case study]
The silence is deafening: Why staying neutral doesn’t cut it anymore
  • How to deliver a positive response management to the increase in social movement and activism.
  • Best practices in crafting social posts that convey confidence, eliminate uncertainty and stick the landing for an impenetrable statement.
  • Curating a risk management strategy equipped for cancel culture.


[Case study]
Employee communications through turbulent times: Layoffs and geo-political tensions
  • How to manage current and potentially divisive issues with new initiatives and aligned messaging.
  • Establish robust channels for feedback, including employee surveys and focus groups, to deliver insights that help navigate the course of change.
  • Foster a culture of resilience to encourage sense of community and open communication.


[Panel discussion]
Where is the guilt? How communicators can continue pushing for transparency
  • Greater call for communicators to align business models with socio-ethical considerations.
  • PR’s role in enacting change and advocating transparency when it comes to ESG practices.
  • Managing expectations of stakeholder when it comes to delivering net zero and ESG commitments.
Sashi Ambi

Sashi Ambi

Head of Corporate Communications and Sustainability

BMW Group Malaysia

Pearl Lai

Pearl Lai

Director, Corporate Affairs and Sustainability

Carlsberg Malaysia

Zatalini Zulkiply

Zatalini Zulkiply

APAC Communications Director

GE Vernova


Networking break


[Case study]
You’re cancelled! The good, bad and ugly with influencer marketing
  • Explore influencer fatigue within the Malaysian market and the move towards nano and micro influencers.
  • Should brands disassociate with influencers that are damaging the brand reputation or promoting toxic content?
  • Deep dive on how brands can be more selective when it comes to KOLs and what crisis management strategies to input when influencer marketing goes south.
Nizam Sani

Nizam Sani

Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Bank Rakyat Malaysia

[Panel discussion]
Generational divide: Leveraging strengths of the boomer, millennial and Gen Z for successful PR
  • Deep dive into the changing way communications is carried out between the three demographics.
  • Understand the changing audience with Gen Z’s impacting the way communication is conducted.
  • Assess what the best tools, skillsets and strategies are still needed in today’s digital landscape.


Open grill 1


Open grill 2


Closing remarks and end of conference