Afnan Zafar Head of Integrated Marketing, Digital Transformation & Media Relations, Renault Malaysia

Afnan Zafar is a digital leader and working as Head of Integrated Marketing, Digital Transformation, & Media Relations with Renault Malaysia. Originally from Bangladesh, he comes with over 14 years’ experience in Malaysia as well as 4 years of Southeast Asia experience by driving the strategic marketing and sales roles with diversified industries.
He drives the data driven multi-staging digital marketing activities while championing the changes in digital customer journeys, and automation of the internal processes in driving a complete automation that improves not only the backend processing but also the customer touchpoints.
Being with his MBA in digital marketing and international, Afnan believes in talking to customers with targeted communication instead a wholesome common messages as customer are well aware of their needs now and also if everyone walks the same path then it will just be a gamble marketing. However, the communication is always two-way thus learning the behaviour is more important to improve the next communication always.